
Why Donate to Heart of Ezra?

Our ministry isn’t possible without our generous partners. YOU are crucial to meeting the needs of our mission to make disciples and expanding our outreach in the community.  

Heart of Ezra was established with the need to take evangelism to the next level to make disciples, fulfilling the Great Commission of Matthew 16:20 and Matthew 4:19.  Your donation helps us equip and train disciples to reach the lost locally and internationally and in-turn, make more disciples.

Heart of Ezra has a goal of planting more than 20 churches throughout Sicily and coaching countless more churches throughout Italy and into Europe as well as presenting at seminars training hundreds of Italians in the Word of God.

Recently Heart of Ezra has planted churches in Mazara Del Vallo, and Castelvetrano, and an Italian church plant in Lindau, Germany led by Paco and Rossana (who are also learning German to reach the local community). The next church plant we need prayer and support for is in Partanna. Join us in praying to reaching local and beyond communities.

Donation Goals To Date


  • Ministry Salaries for Church Planters               $57,000

  • Outreach & Equipping throughout Italy           $5,000

  • German Language School                                       $2,000

    TOTAL FOR ONE YEAR                                           $64,000

Ways to Donate

Mail checks made out to Heart of Ezra Ministries:

Heart of Ezra Ministries
15415 Montreal Drive
Cypress, TX 77429


Donate Online

“Do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” Galatians 6:9