Matthew 4:19

Our Motto

Transformation, not just information

Our Vision

Our vision is to see men and women growing in their faith and becoming disciple makers, church leaders and church planters who have a firm foundation in the Word of God and are faithfully serving the church in the power of the Holy Spirit. We envision planting over 26 churches within Sicily and partnering with leaders to reach and plant more churches wherever God is at work.

Our Mission

Heart of Ezra Ministries exists to advance the mission of Jesus Christ by reaching, raising up and establishing men and women in the Word of God, following Jesus’ disciple making model. Our mission is based out of and starts within Sicily and then reaches out from there throughout Italy, Europe and the ends of the earth. We will accomplish this mission through raising up leaders and church planters who will reach and plant new churches one city at a time. (Matthew 28:18-20)


Churches Planted




Years In Ministry


Leaders Developed


Pastors Discipled


Our model is teaching and modeling the message of Jesus with the methods of Jesus.


We follow the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) using Matthew 4:19 (“...and Jesus said to them, follow me and I will make you fishers of men”). Thus, helping people learn how to follow Christ, be changed by Christ and be on mission with Christ.

Church Planting

The outflow of sharing the gospel and discipling people has allowed us to establish new churches throughout Sicily and now German. We continue to reach new cities in Sicily.


Heart of Ezra gives Christian leaders a theological framework to to equip and develop other leaders to make disciples and glorify God effectively as they lead.

Summer Camps

Families are invited to join our summer camps each year where teaching and summer fun activities come together. It is a great relational time for the whole family.

Street Evangelism

Meeting people right where they are, is at the heart of our ministry.  From our early years in the tent ministry, we learned the value of sharing the gospel locally, online and more.

Bible School

Using our curriculum, we are able to teach students the basics of the faith through more in-depth studies to help them become disciples of Jesus. We do this in-person as well as online.

About Heart of Ezra

Heart of Ezra was founded by Luigi and Michela Incarato in 1994.  Prior to starting Heart of Ezra, Luigi and Michela started their faith journey in tent ministry evangelism called Christ is the Answer, sharing their faith with 100s of people daily.

Heart of Ezra was established with the need to take evangelism to the next level to make disciples, fulfilling the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 and Matthew 4:19.

Today, Luigi and Michela Incarnato, live in Marsala, Sicily. As the leaders of Heart of Ezra Ministries, they are dedicated to living out and fulfilling the great commission to go therefore and make disciples. 

Heart of Ezra has a goal of planting more than 20 churches throughout Sicily and coaching countless more churches throughout Italy and into Europe as well as presenting at seminars training hundreds of Italians in the Word of God.

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